Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can leave you feeling uncomfortable with your smile, unable to clean properly, or may make chewing difficult. Often patients are resigned to having crooked teeth, believing this can only be fixed when you are young, but at Springwood Smiles this is not the case.

At Springwood Smiles we utilise a range of treatments including Invisalign, crowns and veneers, or even simple white fillings to fix your crooked teeth.



Invisalign is an alternative to traditional metal braces and can be used at any age to correct crowded teeth or issues with your bite, as well as prevent early chipping or wear of your teeth. Invisalign is a trusted process for discrete and comfortable teeth straightening. The innovation Invisalign method effectively straightens crooked teeth through the regular wear of plastic trays, and being clear makes them virtually invisible, so your Invisalign treatment won't interfere with your daily activities.

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The Invisalign process

  • Book Invisalign consultation at Springwood Smiles.
  • Take photos, x-rays and digital impressions of your mouth.
  • Receive your custom-made aligners and wear them for 20-22 hours each day.
  • Replace your set of aligners about every two weeks.
  • Continue dental check-ups about every six weeks to monitor your progress.
  • Get ready for your new healthy and confident smile after approximately one year of Invisalign treatment.

Digital Smile Design

The team at Springwood Smiles wants everyone to feel confident to show their beautiful smile, but we understand this isn’t always the case. If you have concerns about the shape or colour of your teeth and smile, we have digital smile design solutions to help you achieve that straighter, whiter smile you’ve been dreaming about.

Smile Design Dental Treatment

One of the major concerns many patients have about having their dentist custom design a smile for them is not knowing what their teeth will look like on completion. Digital Smile Design allows us to not only show you 2D and 3D images but allow you to see and feel your final smile in your mouth, with a “Mock up” so you can understand the impact of Digital Smile Design transformation.

We use Cameras (Intraoral and Digital Cameras), Radiographs (Plain and OPG) and Intra-oral Scanners (for 3D images) to design your smile.

Crooked Teeth
Crooked Teeth
Crooked Teeth
Crooked Teeth